- management
- clinical studies
- Research
- associated groups
- technology
research group
- attoworld
- Advanced multilayer optics
- attosecond spectroscopy 2.0
- Broadband infrared diagnostics
- data science
- field-resolved infrared spectroscopy
- associated groups
Jacqueline Aschauerclinical project & cooperations manager+49.174.3045058jacqueline.aschauer@med.uni-muenchen.de, all information
Lena-Amelie BeggelIMPRS-APS coordinator / housing support office+49.89.329.05679lena.beggel@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Nina Beieronline and social media editor (IMPRS-APS/attoworld)+49.89.329.05680nina.beier@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Nicole Buchwiseradministrative assistant+49.89.329.05600nicole.buchwiser@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Amaj Chamankarlab automation scientist+, all information
Umai Galadriel Chibbaro Leivaassistant of communications+49 89.32905.638umai.chibbaro@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Gerard Faustino Planellamaster student+, all information
Dr. Frank Fleischmannbiorepository manager+, all information
Klaus Frankeoffice management LMU+, all information
Prof. Alexander Fuerbachguest scientistsalexander.fuerbach@physik.uni-muenchen.de, all information
Dr. Daniel Gerzpostdoctoral scientist+, all information
Dr. Keyhan Golyaripostdoctoral scientist+49.89.32905.527keyhan.golyari@mpq.mpg.de, all information
M.A. Ruth Göttlercmf administrative assistant to the directors+49.89.32905.612ruth.goettler@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Dr. Sebastian Gröbmeyerpostdoctoral scientist+, all information
Hojjat Heydariansenior electrical engineer+49.89.32905.251hojjat.heydarian@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Dr. Marinus Huberpostdoctoral scientist+, all information
Dr. Philip Jacobpostdoctoral scientist+, all information
Bernd Jägertechnician – optical coating+, all information
Behnam Abbasvand Jahedielectrical engineer+49.89.32914.163behnam.abbasvand@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Dr. Nicholas Karpowiczresearch group leader, attosecond spectroscopy 2.0+49.89.32905.560nicholas.karpowicz@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Prof. Dr. Stefan Karschresearch group leader, Associated groups+, all information
Dr. Kosmas Kepesidisresearch group leader, data science+, all information
Niklas Kerschbaumerphd student+49.89.289. 54068niklas.kerschbaumer@campus.lmu.de, all information
Prof. Dr. Ulf Kleinebergresearch group leader, Associated groups+, all information
Tobias Kleinhenztechnician – engineering, 3D design+49.89.32905.198tobias.kleinhenz@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Prof. Dr. Matthias Klingresearch group leader, Associated groups+49.89.32905.234matthias.kling@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Dr. Dmitrii Korminpostdoctoral scientist+49.89.32905.731dmitrii.kormin@physik.uni-muenchen.de, all information
Dr. Maciej Kowalczykpostdoctoral scientist+, all information
Prof. Dr. Ferenc Krauszdirector@MPQ, chair of experimental physics@LMU, director@CMF+49.89.32905.600ferenc.krausz@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Andreas Küchlerhead of technical team MPQ+49.89.32905.745andreas.kuechler@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Dr. Igor Kukhtevichsenior microfluidics scientist+, all information
Dr. Maximilian Kuthepostdoctoral scientist+49.89.32905.328maximilian.seeger@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Dr. Nathalie Lenkepostdoctoral scientist+, all information
Dr. Sanchi Maithanipostdoctoral scientist+, all information
Dr. Kiran Sankar Maitipostdoctoral scientist+, all information
Dr. Mikhail Mamaikinpostdoctoral scientist+49.89.32905.540mikhail.mamaikin@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Daniel Meyerbiological technical assistant+, all information
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Meyer-ter-Vehnsenior scientist+49.89.32905.137meyer-ter-vehn@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Siegfried Mittlertechnician – optical coating+, all information
Andreas Münzertechnician – laser engineering+, all information
Dr. Thomas Nubbemeyerresearch group leader, attosecond spectroscopy 2.0+49 89.32905.236thomas.nubbemeyer@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Dr. Volodymyr Pervakresearch group leader, Advanced multilayer optics+, all information
Carola Pfundmeierclinical project assistant & study nurse+49.89.4400.59250carola.pfundmeier@med.uni-muenchen.de, all information
Dr. Dionysios Potamianoslaser engineer+, all information
Dr. Ioachim Pupezaresearch group leader, Associated groups+, all information
Dr. Sergio Revuelta Martínezpostdoctoral scientist+49.893.290.5623sergio.revuelta@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Gregor Schillingtechnician – laser engineering+, all information
Kerstin Schmidt-Buchmannhead of finance & administration+49.89.32905.354kerstin.schmidt-buchmann@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Prof. Dr. Jörg Schreiberresearch group leader, Associated groups+, all information
Dr. Hartmut Schrödersenior scientist+49.89.32905.512hartmut.schroeder@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Dr. Wolfgang Schweinbergersenior scientist+, all information
Barbara Spindlerpersonal assistant to Prof. F. Krausz and Dr. M. Žigman & project assistant of broadband infrared diagnostics+, all information
Dr. Silke Stähler-Schöpfmanager of PhotonLab+49.8932905.197staehler-schoepf@lmu.de, all information
Dr. Philipp Steinleitnersenior scientist+, all information
Dr. Michael Trubetskovsenior scientist+, all information
Dr. Liudmila Voroninasenior scientist+, all information
Dr. Alexander Weigelresearch group leader, field-resolved infrared spectroscopy research group+, all information
Dr. Hans-Friedrich Wirthoperations manager LEX/CALA+, all information
apl. Prof. Dr. Vladislav Yakovlevresearch group leader, attosecond spectroscopy 2.0+49.89.32905.733vladislav.yakovlev@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Dr. Veit Ziegelmaiercurator of exhibitions / editor photonworld / filmproductions+49.89.32905.794veit.ziegelmaier@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Dr. Mihaela Žigmanresearch group leader, cmf life-science research group+49.89.289-54062mihaela.zigman@mpq.mpg.de, all information
Viola Zókamedical technical assistant+, all information
2940 Agarwal
3131 Aghakasiri
2444 Aschauer
3199 Beggel
3208 Beier
3141 Bondar
3051 Borbély
2857 Buchwiser
3120 Cavecchi
3045 Chamankar
3111 Chibbaro Leiva
3129 Dash
2953 Dassie
3138 Dietmann
3121 Dorband
2461 Eissa
3123 Ertlová
3206 Faustino Planella
3053 Feiler
1825 Fill
2442 Fleischmann
1831 Franke
3114 Fuerbach
3067 Gatto
2294 Gerz
3032 Gigou
2301 Golyari
3012 Göttler
1835 Gröbmeyer
1858 Groß
3172 Gui
3098 Guo
1864 Haag
1877 Haas
2440 Hahner
3126 Halenke
2937 Hertlein
2950 Heydarian
1893 Högner
1861 Huber
2640 Jacob
1897 Jäger
3038 Jahedi
1943 Karpowicz
1934 Karsch
2549 Kassab
2448 Kepesidis
3093 Kerschbaumer
2447 Kimbaras
1945 Kleineberg
1924 Kleinhenz
1927 Kling
1907 Kormin
2836 Kowalczyk
1939 Krausz
2808 Küchler
3094 Kukhtevich
2178 Kuthe
3205 Lambert
3127 Landgrebe
3095 Lenke
3043 Liang
3047 Liber
3010 Lindinger
2936 Maithani
1963 Maiti
2935 Maity
3119 Mak
1964 Mamaikin
3203 Marolt
2312 Meyer
3204 Meyer
1982 Meyer-ter-Vehn
3011 Mirkes
1969 Mittler
3201 Mu
2908 Münzenmaier
1979 Münzer
1994 Naeser
3113 Németh
1998 Nubbemeyer
3130 Okazaki
2016 Pervak
2853 Pfundmeier
3140 Politi
2967 Potamianos
2014 Pupeza
3139 Rebel
2019 Reiger
3142 Revuelta Martínez
2053 Saran
2052 Schilling
2285 Schmidt-Buchmann
2060 Schreiber
2058 Schröder
2064 Schweinberger
2720 Sebesta
3209 Seleznova
3211 Singh
3200 Sotirova
2722 Spindler
2077 Stähler-Schöpf
2547 Steinleitner
3122 Süzeroglu
3128 Thorisch
2095 Trubetskov
2100 Voronina
2997 Wei
2451 Weigel
2125 Wirth
2790 Witzens
2130 Wulz
2141 Yakovlev
3112 Zaràndy
3207 Zhang
2309 Ziegelmaier
2144 Žigman
2834 Zóka
20 attoworld
13 Advanced multilayer optics
5 attosecond spectroscopy 2.0
1 Broadband infrared diagnostics
19 data science
18 field-resolved infrared spectroscopy
7 Associated groups