Prof. Dr. Andrius BaltuškaTechnische Universität Wien
Vienna, Austria+43.58801.38749andrius.baltuska@tuwien.ac.at, all information -
Prof. Dr. Peter BaumUniversität Konstanz
Konstanz, Germany+49.7531.88.3820peter.baum@uni-konstanz.de, all information -
Prof. Dr. Thomas BrabecUniversity of Ottawa
Ottawa, Canada+1.613.562.5800.6756brabec@uottawa.ca, all information -
Prof. Dr. Martin CenturionUniversity of Nebraska - Lincoln
Lincoln, United States+1.402.472.5810martin.centurion@unl.edu, all information -
Dr. Ralph ErnstorferFritz Haber Institut
Berlin, Germany+49.30.8413.5117ernstorfer@fhi-berlin.mpg.de, all information -
Dr. Hanieh FattahiMax Planck Institute for the Science of Light
Erlangen, Germany+49.91.3171.33201hanieh.fattahi@mpl.mpg.de, all information -
Prof. Dr. Matthias FuchsKarlsruher Institute of Technology (KIT)
Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany+49.721.608.29298matthias.fuchs@kit.edu, all information -
Prof. Dr. Takao FujiInstitute for Molecular Science
Okazaki, Japan+81.564.55.7339fuji@ims.ac.jp, all information -
Associate Prof. Dr. Alexander FürbachMacquarie University
Sydney, Australia+61.9850.6145alex.fuerbach@mq.edu.au, all information -
Prof. Dr. Eleftherios GoulielmakisUniversität Rostock
Rostock, Germany+49.381.498.6800e.goulielmakis@uni-rostock.de, all information -
Prof. Dr. Florian GrünerInstitute of Experimental Physics
Hamburg, Germany+49.40.8998.6677florian.gruener@desy.de, all information -
Assistant Prof. Dr. Mohammed HassanUniversity of Arizona
Tuscon, United States+1.520.626.1435MohammedHassan@email.arizona.edu, all information -
Assistant Prof. Dr. Catherine KealhoferWilliams College
Williamstown, United States+1.413.597.2123ck12@williams.edu, all information -
Prof. Dr. Reinhard KienbergerTechnische Universität München
Garching, Germany+, all information -
Dr. Matthias KübelInstitute of Optics and Quantum Electronics
Jena, Germany+49.36419.47208matthias.kuebel@uni-jena.de, all information -
Assistant Prof. Dr. Tran Trung LuuThe University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong, Hong Kong+852.3917.2364ttluu@hku.hk, all information -
Dr. Thomas MetzgerTRUMPF Scientific Lasers GmbH + Co. KG
Unterföhring, Germanythomas.metzger@trumpf.com, all information -
Assistant Prof. Dr. Julia MikhailovaPrinceton University
Princeton, United States+1.609.258.7154jm41@princeton.edu, all information -
Dr. Jens OsterhoffDeutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY
Hamburg, Germany+49.40.8998.91854jens.osterhoff@desy.de, all information -
Prof. Dr. Oleg ProninHelmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Hamburg, Germany+49.40.6541.2756oleg.pronin@hsu-hh.de, all information -
Dr. Agustin SchiffrinMonash University
Clayton, Australia+61.3.9905.9265agustin.Schiffrin@monash.edu, all information -
Prof. Dr. Martin SchultzeTechnische Universität Graz
Graz, Austria+43.316.873.8142schultze@tugraz.at, all information -
Prof. Dr. Christian SpielmannInstitut für Optik und Quantenelektronik
Jena, Germany+49.3641.947230christian.spielmann@uni-jena.de, all information -
Prof. Dr. Thorsten UphuesHochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Coburg
Coburg, Germany+49.9561.317.751thorsten.uphues@hs-coburg.de, all information -
Prof. Dr. László VeiszRelativistic Attosecond Physics Laboratory
Umeå, Sweden+46.90.786.66.62laszlo.veisz@umu.se, all information -
Prof. Dr. Jinwei ZhangHuazhong University of Science & Technology
Wuhan, China+86.15623130167jinweizhang@hust.edu.cn, all information
1770 Baltuška
1773 Baum
115 Brabec
1789 Centurion
1814 Ernstorfer
1824 Fattahi
1826 Fuchs
1832 Fuji
2548 Fürbach
1850 Goulielmakis
1852 Grüner
1875 Hassan
1911 Kealhofer
1938 Kienberger
1944 Kübel
2091 Luu
2123 Ma
1981 Metzger
1985 Mikhailova
2001 Osterhoff
2015 Pronin
2061 Schiffrin
2075 Schultze
1346 Spielmann
2099 Uphues
2103 Veisz
2146 Zhang
20 attoworld
13 Advanced multilayer optics
5 attosecond spectroscopy 2.0
1 Broadband infrared diagnostics
19 data science
18 field-resolved infrared spectroscopy
7 Associated groups