The Field-resolved Infrared Spectroscopy Team welcomes Dominika Bondar and Gabriele Politi, who joined us as laser engineers.
Dominika did her Bachelor studies at the University of Warsaw in Nanostructure Engineering, followed by a Master in Physics at the same university. In her Master thesis she studied optical nonlinearities in microcavities filled with nematic liquid crystals. Before joining us at attoworld, she worked as a laser physicist at the Fluence Technology company, where she developed femtosecond fiber lasers.
Gabriele did his Bachelor studies at La Sapienza University Rome in Clinical Engineering, and completed his Master with honors in Nanotechnology Engineering at the same university. In his Master thesis he investigated optical biosensing techniques using surface waves on photonic crystals to detect cancer biomarkers. Before joining us, Gabriele worked as an EO/IR system analyst for MBDA Italia.
Both Dominika and Gabriele will work on the development of Infrasampler 3, our newest-generation field-resolved infrared spectrometer based on Cr:ZnS technology.
Picture: Thorsten Naeser